Monday, October 26, 2009

Uncle Bill's lunch

One of my mom's sisters, Aunt Susan, sent me a picture when I first started making treats for Brian's lunch. She surprised my Uncle Bill one day with this awesome lunch! I wish I could have seen the look on his face! :o)

Susan, and my mom's other sister, Aunt Jayne, have so many of the same mannerisms that my mom had. I've only seen Aunt Jayne once since mom's funeral because we haven't made it back down to that part of Florida lately, but I've seen Aunt Susan on several occasions. Every time I see her, I see glimpses of my mom and it's like parts of her are still alive. I wonder what my mom would think if she saw Brian's lunches.....She'd probably think I had lost my marbles.....but I imagine she'd come up with a few of her own ideas as well to share. :o)

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