Saturday, July 25, 2009

Thompson Zoo & Splash Park

Luckily the meteorologists aren't very accurate in this area! I thought this afternoon would be full of rain but it's been an absolutely gorgeous day so far. We started the morning by meeting some friends at the Thompson Zoo and wandering around for a bit. After loading my pictures, I realized I didn't really take any of the animals. People are my favorite thing to photograph so that was no surprise. Lola, the otter who is on exhibit (ok Tania....who vs. whom), entertained all of us and I tried to get a picture but wasn't successful....after all I was chasing around Brian and blocking an area where he wasn't allowed to go. So I scooped him up, took the lens cap off the camera, and was trying to juggle zooming the lens while trying to pacify Brian. Once I had those things mastered, Ms. Lola decided to hide from no otter pictures. :o( She will have 3 friends joining her soon and we'll have to go back to see them.

We came home to rest for a bit and put on Brian's swimsuit. We then headed to Ft. Drum with Holly and Landon. Everyone that knows me well knows that I'm a super duper rule follower (Morgan teases me about this all the time). Today I broke a rule....shhhhh! Apparently you're only allowed to go to 'Splash Park' if you live on Ft. Drum but I've been depriving my little man of water all summer long and I knew he would love this place. We did run into my friend, Brenda, while we were there and she is a resident.....She was our cover! ;o)

Brian LOVED it! He was so happy that he just stood in one spot for probably 15 minutes or so just taking it all in as the other kids were running by and splashing him. There's a skatepark right next to the water area and Brian got absorbed watching the skateboards and kept insisting on climbing the wall and trying to crawl under the ramps. I kept telling him no.....he kept being we eventually had to leave. :o( He gets his mind set on something and he will not be deterred. We have to work on that! We had a wonderful sunny day with friends. :o)

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